A blog dedicated to documenting my journey through Learning 2.0. Hop on for the rode....

Monday, October 22, 2007

Fun in Sisters

I love the Sisters library. It's such a great set-up and truly suits the community. I especially love the art project that was done for the restrooms. Who knew that restrooms would actually contain art! :) I haven't learned anything new about Sisters library and the staff...but I think that's because I worked there for a couple years.

The Sisters staff are very creative. It's something they value in their team, and encourage all team members to express their creativity.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Habits of Highly Successful Lifelong Learners

We're learning about the 7.5 habits that successful learners have incorporated. I think the one that's hardest for me is to "Begin with the end in mind". I usually know what I want the result to be, but as soon as I start I get caught up in it and stop looking forward. It's easy for me to get back to that forward looking head space, but it's not something I do naturally.

The one that is easiest for me is "Teach/mentor others." I love passing on the things I learn, the knowledge I'm gaining every day. This applies to everything, my job, my hobbies everything.

Monday, October 1, 2007

Learning 2.0

I have another blog...but this one is dedicated to my journey through Learning 2.0 Already I watched this very interesting video on YouTube: